Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breathing 101

Yes, I am pretty sure everyone reading this article knows how to breath (of course we are entering Halloween season and I would hate to miss out on the whole Zombie Chic thing), so I am aware that you may think a wee word on breathing is a waste of your precious time, so rather than TELL you things let me ask you things.

1. How many muscles are involved in inhalation and exhalation.
2. Does use it or lose it apply to those muscles
3. Do the breathing muscles need to be stretched like other muscle in the body
4. Are breathing muscles attached to bones or anything else like other muscles in the body

If you are shocked (okay maybe shocked is to strong a word. Maybe we are just talking one of those zaps you get from dragging your feet on the carpet) by what you don't know or never even thought of we need to talk.

1 comment:

  1. Lets talk, just never thought about it. But very important for sure! Also interesting how many times. I have to remind clients to breathe when exercising! :))
