Monday, August 15, 2011

The Long List Use it or lose it

      "Use it or lose it"

It's a common enough refrain.  We hear it in the gym often enough, and even in "The real world"

It's pretty obvious on first blush.  Don't use your legs, they get weaker, weak enough and you can't walk.  Same for any body part you care to name.

I would like all of you (especially you who are standing in the back) to take just a few minutes so ask yourself where else could you apply that phrase.  In the gym and out.

If you have read my previous post you already have one answer, now I challenge you to take that axiom beyond it's normal bounds.  Actually the ability to "think outside the box" is an example of this.  The less we do it the less we are able to do it, conversely the more we challenge our mental status quo the more skilled we get at it.

Alright, the gauntlet is thrown,  I want to know what YOU came up with.

1 comment:

  1. Enthusiasm! Sometimes it seems that we need to manufacture enthusiasm - but it becomes real and, best of all, affects others, who in turn effect you! What a great snowball effect!

    Patience is another attribute that if you don't use it you lose it.

    BTW: I finally figured out how to respond to the blogs. I may go back and respond to the previous blogs now!
