Monday, March 3, 2014


Once, a long time ago a client came back to me a few days after our last session.  She was depressed.  She had stopped her walking program on my advice.

Shocked me because I never gave such advice.

The conversation was the merits, nay, the necessity of pushing the body past it's normal functioning.  As most of you know it is this push that causes adaptation.

She was an avid walker.  Walking was not a challenge for her, at least the way she did it, and so she reasoned that she should give up walking.

I then explained that there are a lot of good things to walking.  Health and balance in our lives is not solely tied to the growth and change of hardware and software.  It ties into, and stems from a lot of factors.

She was happy again.

The moral of the story.  Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.  Don't put fitness in a box.  We, all of us, have to strive to work out the blueprint of our minds and bodies until the very last day.

Stay tuned true believers.

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