Friday, February 28, 2014

The How And The What

We didn't use to have to exercise.  Life was exercise enough.  One might say exercise was unconscious.

That world is in our rear view mirror now.  Some might say for the better, some for the worse.

I say opportunity lurks

When life was hard enough to test the body on a daily basis there was no time for what the body and mind COULD do.  Only what it HAD to do.

With movement now "optional" in our lives we can make the choice, the conscious choice, to make it more than survival.

The word Yoga derives from the same root word as yoke - which connects animal to plow.  In terms of movement it denotes connecting mind/intention to movement.  This option, to move with awareness and to be aware of what we are about as we move, is a watershed concept in our health and fitness.  It allows us to take our bodies beyond the merely functional tool of movement and survival to a learning tool.

Whatever you choose to do for your exercise and fitness, choose it in relation to who you are, and as you perform your actions turn your awareness to them, not to outcome and certainly not to distractions.

All the best,

Thursday, February 27, 2014

There are choices we make every moment of the day in our lives that both determine and reflect who we are.

Look for all the little things.  Nuances.  Ask yourself if they express your ideal version of you..

In the meantime watch me beating up on my bootcamp class.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014