It's not my jokes.
.....Okay it's not JUST my jokes.
The problem is I really love what I do.
To me there is no other career path that even comes remotely close.
The problem with being infatuated with
your profession is you think everyone else feels the same. Maybe I
should restate that just a bit. You KNOW everyone feels the same,
it's just that THEY don't know it yet.
Why is that a problem?
Because a robot that follows along,
does blindly what it's told or programmed to do does NOT care, not
even one whit, about what it's doing.
This is not saying anything bad about
robots or even androids or cyborgs (yes I am a geek in more than one
I am a problem to my clients and
students because I want them to understand why. I don't want them
going through the motions. Even if they are pushing themselves to
the limits physically, I want them engaged mentally. I want them to
be as captivated by the WHY as much as they are challenged and
inspired by the what.
So I explain. My people know you can't
out train a bad diet, they have all heard how one soda will undo the
caloric deficit of 45 minutes of work, and, if they stay tuned (not
guaranteed by any means) they hear why the calories in that soda are
less detrimental that the mode of delivery.
Through the breathing and recovery
between Tabata training sets they might get a few words about
Elevated Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), and what it means to their
TIME and their goals.
Do they listen? Some do, some don't,
and sometimes it's a matter of repetition, or delivery (I know if I
open with a knock knock joke they usually tune me out right away) but
I keep the information flowing, even if they look at me glassy eyed
and on one occasion beg me to stop (okay actually I was training my
wife that day).
Where am I going with all this?
We have heard it often enough,
Information is power. That's what I want for my people, that's what
I want you to want for yourselves.
Until next time true believers.
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