Friday, August 24, 2012

Why we do what we do Part II

Breaking out the ??????

Last week, with the help of Lewis Carroll I talked about asking the right questions as you begin your training program.  In the seven or so days since you have amassed quite a few.  If you have not stop now and give yourself five minutes to reflect on this.  There are few things in life you will be able to tailor as well as you can your training.

Once you have asked the right questions (and universally once starting down this path more and more questions pop up, it’s a good thing.) or identified what the job is (a watch is not a croissant) now comes step two.

Yes that’s right..Let’s look at tools.

Tools in this context is not just limited to equipment.  Yes in my training with my clients I use a wide variety of equipment from kettlebells to bands, but here we are also talking about protocols.  This can range from LSD (long slow duration) cardio training, to threshold training, to limit strength, speed strength, to yoga, to plyometrics to isometrics.

With your list of questions and goals you can start picking out the tools that best fill the needs of the job.  If some of the terms I just used are unfamiliar to you then time for research, and, guess what, more questions.

The purpose of this blog is to set you up to be an informed exerciser, because guess what, once you have carved out the goal, and done the work to identify the tools, you now OWN  your training, and that my friends is a wonderful thing.

If you want to take the short cut (a sign of intelligence) then I invite you to contact me in helping to amass, then possibly cull the list of questions and then after that discuss the tools that will take you where you want to go.

Next entry we will talk about laying out your game plan.

Keep the faith until next time true believers.



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